The standard method of sending voice and video across the internet is
RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) .
Här är varför:
* Designed for real-time data: RTP is specifically designed for transmitting multimedia data, like voice and video, where real-time delivery is crucial.
* Handles packet loss: RTP includes mechanisms for handling packet loss, which is common in internet communication. This ensures smooth and continuous audio and video streams even with network issues.
* Provides timing information: RTP har tidsstämplar och sekvensnummer, vilket gör att mottagare kan rekonstruera den ursprungliga ordningen på paket och synkronisera ljud- och videoströmmarna korrekt.
* Flexible and widely used: RTP is widely used in various applications, including video conferencing, VoIP (Voice over IP), and live streaming.
Medan RTP är standarden, erbjuder andra protokoll som SRTP (Secure Realt-Time Transport Protocol) säkerhetsförbättringar.