Lågspecifika spel (under 256 MB)
* Half-Life 2:Avsnitt 1 (2006)
* Portal (2007)
* Team Fortress 2 (2007)
* Left 4 Dead (2008)
* Counter-Strike:Källa (2004)
* The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind (2002)
* The Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion (2006)
* F.E.A.R. (2005)
* Half-Life 2 (2004)
* The Chronicles of Riddick:Escape from Butcher Bay (2004)
* Serious Sam 2 (2005)
* Smärtstillande (2004)
* Doom 3 (2004)
* Call of Duty (2003)
* Grand Theft Auto:Vice City (2002)
* Grand Theft Auto III (2001)
* Max Payne (2001)
* Deus Ex (2000)